Thursday, April 22, 2010

Monopoly Money

A rather disturbing thought has been brewing in my head the last few days. If I was to write it in a concise manner perhaps I will be able to truly understand it.

Frankly we all know that the Federal Reserve prints money and that the gold standard was removed in 1973. The bankers are essentially printing dollars out of their home printers and sending them out into the world.

The most important thing in people lives are….Family? Love? Their favorite sports team? Whatever people think is the most important thing in their life is usually not the case. It is best to judge a person by their behavior and not by their thoughts and what they say. People spend the majority of their lives chasing MONEY.

Now let me get this straight: people spend the majority of their existence working a job they don’t like to receive something that a bank prints with no actual value validating it.

Take a step back for a second and look at this holistically. People are literally wasting their lives chasing monopoly money. The only reason they don’t print their own monopoly money is because the original printers will come down on them. They’ll assault you, throw you in jail, and/or fine you their monopoly money that you are not allowed to print yourself.

(As I write this I realize Monopoly Money is a perfect term to call Federal Reserve notes. Not just because their notes and Milton Bradley’s currency are both backed by nothing but because the Federal Reserve holds a monopoly over who can print money.)

I think next time I go out I will try to use a monopoly dollar to get change. Why not right?

I struggle with asking myself why do I need spend my entire life playing their Monopoly game? Why don’t I play my own game with my own rules?

I understand now why the founding fathers we’re so opposed to central banks. Before they were instituted each individual State could set the rules of their own games. They could print their own currencies and have control over what would back each note. They decided how many new notes would (or wouldn’t) be added into circulation each year, and whether each note would be debt free or not.

I don’t know about you but I’m already tired of going around their board for eternity.

Monday, April 19, 2010

68% Think the Fed is a Government Agency

I might be a little bit of a radical. Tonight I stepped out side my apartment and interacted with those around me. Here’s what I found out:

68% (72/106) of the people I spoke with in San Francisco believed that the Federal Reserve Bank is an agency of the government. The specific question I asked was “Is the Federal Reserve a private corporation or an agency of the government?

For those of you out there that STILL think that the people who print your money are part of the government, watch 7:40 of the video.

Now this makes me question as to why a large majority of the population would be under this belief that the Fed is part of the government. Surely no one would think Federal Express was part of the government even though “Federal” is also in its name.

Modern day Americans are completely oblivious to the threat of central banks even though we had been warned.

My history OR my economics high school teachers never mentioned this before...

A private central bank is what the founding fathers of this country feared. The printing of money out of thin air (there is no gold standard in the dollar these days...) means inflation will undoubtedly occur. Some say inflation is a hidden tax and that punishes the thrifty. I would go as far as to say it is absolute theft.

Your money becomes less valuable over time. A house that cost $40,000 in the 1950's sells now for $500,000 here in California.

This is what a down payment for a house now looks like now if you were going to pay it with cash.

You can thank the Federal PRIVATE BANK Reserve for the astronimcal prices. Regardless of Bush or Obama being in office, the Federal Reserve still runs the economy.

The current chairman of the Fed Ben Bernanke was by appointed George W Bush and was re-appointed by Obama. And here you thought Obama would be different.

Who's really calling the shots here?

Don't believe that the Fed has absolute control of you? The reason why you are in school is to get a good job. The reason you want a good job is so you can support yourself. This is economics and you are playing their game. Here we are spending the majority of life chasing to collect the same pieces of papers the Federal Reserve prints out of their basement.

All of this will stop when we audit the Fed which will lead to it’s abolishment.

I shall end this blog post today with 2 quotes. One of these men the mainstream media now either says is irrelevant or evil. The other is hardly mentioned in mainline history and is taboo in schools. You are smart enough to figure out who is who and which is which:

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." – Thomas Jefferson

Permit me to issue and control the money of the nation and I care not who makes its laws. — Mayer Amsched Rothchild, a prominent European banker in the eighteenth century